DISC Videos
The Strengths and Limitations of the 4 DISC Styles
The DISC model is a personal development tool designed to help professionals improve communication and build stronger relationships. It describes four styles of behavior, with each style displaying a unique set of strengths and limitations. Whether you’re a Human Resources manager looking to hire the right applicant, or a team leader trying to assess employee [...]
The (S)teadiness Personality Style, Explained
The S-style is typically the most patient and supportive of the four DISC styles. S types are calm, sincere and naturally laid back. Steadiness types enjoy working in a team environment and are eager to help and support others S types are loyal, and will work hard to maintain relationships with the people they [...]
The (I)nfluence Personality Style, Explained
I-styles are typically the most outgoing, energetic and sociable of the four DISC styles. The I-style enjoys being the center of attention and loves interacting and meeting new people. I-styles like to focus on the big picture and prefer to spend time collaborating with others. I-styles are friendly, enthusiastic and animated They are also optimistic, [...]
The (D)ominance Personality Style, Explained
D-styles are typically the most forceful and assertive of the four DISC styles. They tend to be direct and straightforward when expressing their opinions and have a tendency to seek authority and control over a situation. D-styles are competitive and results oriented, they prefer to move fast, take risks and get things done. The D-styles [...]
The (C)ompliance Personality Style, Explained
C-styles are the most analytical and detail-oriented of the four DISC styles. The Compliance style is extremely focused on producing high-quality work, although they can sometimes appear overly critical. To understand how employees and applicants with this behavioral style succeed, organizations should know how C-styles work with others, make decisions, and act under pressure. [...]